Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Boy I am tired....too many nights on the couch. Mom leaves tomorrow, I will miss her but looking forward to getting my bed back! I can NOT do this anymore. My neck is starting to hurt again so sorry mom, I love you but I have to work at work & I need my rest. Mom is lucky that she works at home.

This is a cute picture that mom took of Tom & I. No beading was done last night but disaster was stopped in the nick of time. I over poured the resin in some things & we both thought it was stuck to the wood where I put stuff on to dry. A little prying with a butter knife and we were still good since the resin wasn't completely dry yet....yikes!

Oh, don't use swarovski flat backs crystals with resin either....it now looks like a little mirror instead of a crystal. I wonder if I would have deco podged it would that have happened?

All sorts of new things being learned here & it is fun:)


  1. yeah i learned that the hard way with the resins and the rhinestones. I guess the resin just melts them. it's weird. i'd be interested to know if there is a way to prevent it

  2. that IS a really cute picture :) well ... you are a cute couple!

  3. Awww, you two look so happy :)
